Where do you live, Mike?
Staffordshire, UK.
What do you do for a living?
I tune engines – cars and vans.
Thai boxing, mountain biking, ice skating.
Before Killa Vanilla, describe a typical evening?
I’d have my tea, sit down and watch TV. My brain would say: you need a biscuit! So, I’d go to the biscuit barrel. I’d say to myself ‘I’m having four biscuits’ but, before I knew it, I’d eaten the whole barrel. I’d end up wedging the sugar down my neck. We’re talking massive bowls of ice cream with chocolate sauce.
How long did this pattern go on for?
It was over a period of time longer than twelve months and the weight crept on, but wasn’t as bad as it could have been due to the exercise I was doing. I knew sugar was bad but I felt out of control. This, along with the health benefits, was the main motivator for doing something about it.
What was your poison?
Biscuits, chocolate, ice cream.
How did you feel after a binge?
I ended up with acid reflux. This wasn’t so much to do with the sugar, more the volume of food. I’d just feel ‘bleurgh’. Not fresh or sharp.
Would you ever count the calories?
Had you tried anything prior to Killa Vanilla, like diets or any other products?
I tried willpower and it didn’t work! I didn’t try other products as I’m sceptical about diet products. Killa Vanilla made sense to me as the brain controls a lot of the functions, and it could stimulate the right part for a sugar fix.
How did you discover Killa Vanilla?
I saw you online, on Facebook.
And how was the customer experience?
10/10. Nothing to fault. Product came within 2-3 days. My only concern was buying off Facebook – though I did double check across Amazon to make sure it was okay!
How long until you noticed an impact?
Fairly immediately: first day, second at most. It was a quick impact for me. If I did feel the craving, I sniffed the Killa Vanilla and it went away.
How do you feel now, knowing you don’t succumb to sugar binges?
I feel great. Killa Vanilla is a life-changer and life-saver. As a nation, we have a problem with obesity. I think there’s a lot of people out there, eating too much like me. It could change their lives too.
Have you seen or felt any other unexpected benefits?
More alertness and energy. It’s great knowing all that sugar isn’t in my system. Now I can have something sweet to eat, but don’t crave it. I used to eat one bit, then suddenly have to eat a load more afterwards. Like any addiction. It’s like my brain has switched out of wanting more. It feels like a permanent fix.