Meet the Killa: Sammi - Booting the 3 C's

Where do you live, Sammi?

County Durham, UK.

What do you do for a living?

Singer & Entertainer


Geocaching - as Quirky Diva, song writing, making films.

Before Killa Vanilla, describe a typical evening?

Every time I let the dogs out, I'd grab a fun size bar of chocolate. Every time I got stressed, I’d do the same. The same again when feeling depressed. At my worst point I ordered three boxes of Maltesers off Amazon and ate the lot. That, or I would be on the road to a gig, eating chocolate and rubbish during the journeys thinking it would keep me awake and give me energy.
I have always been a glutton for chocolate, but the first lockdown saw me baking big chocolate cakes, ordering chocolate biscuits, shortbread and bars of chocolate off Amazon. Like many others, I got fat. This got me down but I could not see a way out of it.

How long did this pattern go on for?

Literally for years. Having gone through family problems, divorce, a few house moves, moving to an area where I do not know anyone, a hollow sense of loneliness, financial struggles and bereavement.

What was your poison?

Most things beginning with ‘C’. Chocolate. Cake. Cookies.

How did you feel after a binge?

Sick. And disgusted at myself. I put on so much weight I had problems cutting my toenails. And that was the “I’m ready!” point.

Would you ever count the calories?


Had you tried anything prior to Killa Vanilla, like diets or any other products?

You name it, I’ve tried it. All the big-name diet plans. I did lose weight briefly, but then actually gained weight! Keeping it off was the problem. And that’s where they make their money; people trying to live on an impossible diet plan. Oh, and willpower (who was I kidding?).

How did you discover Killa Vanilla?

Facebook. I was interested and read all the reviews, and thought, what the heck, and ordered some.

And how was the customer experience?

Super. They arrived within 2-4 days. My comments, and those of others on the facebook page had very positive feedback which helped.

How long until you noticed an impact?

Straight away. If I did feel the need for chocolate, I sniffed my Killa Vanilla and the need went away. Within two weeks I hardly sniffed it (although I keep one handy) as my cravings stopped. The impact was so intense, I have literally thrown chocolate away, large amounts of it, as it just feels greasy to me now and I don’t enjoy the taste anymore. I walk past it in shops and think “ugh”.

How do you feel now, knowing you don’t succumb to sugar binges?

I finally feel more in control of what tempts me. Killa Vanilla has changed my life and, probably in the long term, saved me from diabetes. Only now do I have a ‘wee taste’ and no more. I no longer have the need to binge. It was weeks before I tested myself to see if I could stick to not binging. I can.

Have you seen or felt any other unexpected benefits?

I can now cut the toenails, can fit my feet into my favourite boots, and wear clothes I have not been able to for years. More confidence. A proper non scales victory. I don’t get mood swings anymore from the highs and lows of sugar rushes, or the feeling of yuckiness.

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